Install Proxydetox

The easiest is, to use the download and install a pre-build package from the releases page.

Pre build binaries are available for the following platforms:

  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Windows


  1. Download the proxydetox-*-x86_64-linux.deb Debian package.
  2. Install using the dpkg command from on Debian based platforms:
    sudo dpkg --install proxydetox-*-x86_64-linux.deb

Register Proxydetox as systemd user daemon

The Debian package comes with systemd service file.

Enabling Proxydetox and starting it, can be done with the following commands:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable proxydetox
systemctl --user start proxydetox

To disable and stop it please use:

systemctl --user stop proxydetox
systemctl --user disable proxydetox


  1. Download the proxydetox-*-x86_64-apple-darwin.pkg package.
  2. Install using the installer command from macOS:
    sudo installer -package proxydetox-*-x86_64-apple-darwin.pkg -target /

Register proxydetox as LaunchAgent

The above steps installed a LaunchAgent for proxydetox named /Library/LaunchAgents/cc.colorto.proxydetox.plist.

Info: Since the installer command is run as the root user (to be able to write the files to the system directories) it cannot know for which user the launch agent needs to be enabled.

The following steps need to be executed as the user who wants to use proxydetox (i.e. not as root).


To revert the above changes (i.e. you want to uninstall proxydetox), run the following commands:



  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Unzip the archive.
  3. Run the included install.bat file.

From sources

To build Proxydetox from sources, please refer the Build Proxydetox section.